
Product Updates

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Cypress Testing with TestingBot

Cypress Testing with TestingBot

TestingBot adds Cypress Testing support. You can now run your Cypress tests on the TestingBot browser grid. Run Cypress Tests on macOS and Windows 10. Receive instant test results, screenshots, and a video of all your Cypress tests.


iOS 14

iOS 14

We've added iOS 14 to the TestingBot Grid: both simulators and physical devices (iPhone 11) are now available for Automated and Manual Testing!


iPhone 11 and Samsung Galaxy S20 Physical Devices

iPhone 11 and Samsung Galaxy S20 Physical Devices

We've added iPhone 11 and Samsung Galaxy S20 Physical Devices for Automated and Live testing.

These devices are available for all subscribed customers, enjoy!


Selenium 4 (Alpha) Support

Selenium 4 (Alpha) Support

We've added support for Selenium 4 (alpha). Please see our blogpost to learn more about the new features in the upcoming Selenium 4 release.


macOS Big Sur (Preview)

macOS Big Sur (Preview)

Today we're adding macOS Big Sur to our Live, Automated and Visual Testing. This is the first Preview of Apple's new macOS and will be released later this year. With this addition, you can run tests on Safari 14 and all Chrome/Firefox versions.


Pinch-to-zoom on physical devices

Pinch-to-zoom on physical devices

We're excited to add pinch-to-zoom functionality to our physical devices.

In manual testing, press the ALT key on your keyboard while dragging your mouse, to pinch/zoom on iOS and Android physical devices.


Firefox 91 is now available

Firefox 91 is now available for testing. Enjoy!


Chrome 92 and Edge 92 now available

You can now test on Chrome 92 and Microsoft Edge 92 on both manual and automated testing. Enjoy!


Firefox 89, Chrome 91 and Microsoft Edge 91

3 new browser versions have been added!

The latest Firefox (89), latest Chrome (91) and latest Microsoft Edge (91) are now available for automated and manual testing. Note: we currently use chromedriver 90 for Chrome 91, until this Chromedriver bug is fixed.



Firefox 80 is now available for Automated and Manual Testing.


Firefox 79, Chrome 84 and Edge 84

We've added Firefox 79, Chrome 84 and Edge 84 to our list of browsers. Enjoy!